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Why List with BedandBreakfast.co.za

See your site on the two premier web addresses for South African B&B's - All with one listing. Be seen on:

There are only South African B&B and self-catering guest houses listed on our accommodation sites.

We specialise in the promotion of B&B and self-catering properties. We exclusively market your type of establishment and cater for the B&B lovers worldwide. People visiting us know what they are looking for and know that we provide the information they want.

We are continuously seeking ways to improve our web site, thereby offering you more exposure and consequently more visitors to your establishment.

list on bedandbreakfast.co.za

Why list with us on BedandBreakfast.co.za

We are South Africa's No. 1 Ranked Bed and Breakfast Website

the no. 1 ranked bedandbreakfast website

Get more guests, more often, with less hassle, with your listing on both bnb.co.za & BedandBreakfast.co.za

Here's why you need to list your B&B as soon as possible:

  • We are ranked FIRST on Google search for the keywords 'b&b' and 'bed and breakfast', which generate 75000 searches per month.
  • With targeted local and international visitors to this site every month you are bound to benefit by listing with us.
  • We have the two best South African website addresses for Bed and Breakfasts: www.bedandbreakfast.co.za and www.bnb.co.za - You can own a piece of them today!
  • Our website visitors are targeted Bed and Breakfast and South Africa lovers - they are specifically looking for Bed and Breakfasts and Guest Houses in South Africa - that's why they come to our site.
  • We do not distract them with other types of Accommodation and Services.
  • Only South African Bed and Breakfasts and Guest Houses are listed here!
  • You have complete, immediate control over your listing - You can make any changes to any of the content and photos whenever you wish - 24 hours a day!
  • How do we get so many visitors?
    • We have great domain names(bedandbreakfast.co.za and bnb.co.za)
    • We have ensured that we are ranked very highly in top search engines - both international and local - for carefully targeted keywords.

The simple question is this: Where else could you expose your establishment to thousands of targeted Bed and Breakfast lovers for a minimal monthly investment?

A DIY listing only costs R97 per month, whereas a Premium Listing will set you back by R197
per month.

Can you afford not to list your Bed and Breakfast or Guest House right now?